In the previous videos I showed you an intermediate level surgery  trying to give you all the information to carry it out correctly, and a highly advanced level surgery  showing you some tricks to get excellent healing.

Today I really want to put myself in an entry-level surgeon’s shoes.

Or even less-than-entry level. I want to make a video for a young newly graduate! So, if  your ego is already through the roof, just turn everything off and wait for the next article, but remember what a sign in my Crossfit traning gym reads:


Let’s start from this assumption: we haven’t talked about it yet, but we will talk about it extensively afterwards – when you will open your practice FROM SCRATCH (which, we’ll see, is absolutely the best way to succeed in your profession): in no way will you have to call the middle-aged, briefcase guy who places implants on piecework! No questions asked now, I’ll explain it to you later on; for now, consider it a dogma: “NO PIECEWORK GUYS ALLOWED IN YOUR PRACTICE PUTTING IMPLANTS”. Forbidden! Full stop!

You’ve got to know that I’ve worked on piecework for years, even though I wasn’t 50, but less than 30. So, I know the topic inside out. Therefore, forget it!

As a prerequisite you, or maybe your associate, absolutely have to learn implantology and oral surgery. Maybe you can save yourself of dealing with periodontic surgery , great reconstructive surgery or extractive surgery complicated by teeth overlapping alveolar canal. But you’ve got to practice “general” implantology, and you’ve got to practice it a lot!

So, as I said before, let’s start from scratch with surgical technique:


I used to work as a collaborator in a practice, some years ago, and I dealt with most of the implantology cases, there. One day, I was one hour late and I asked a young colleague to start anesthesia on a patient who needed to have a super-simple implant placed in zone 3.6 and to elevate the flap. Later on, taken with other patients, I admit I totally forgot about it.?

After all, nobody had come to tell me that the operative field was ready.

After more than half an hour, I suddenly remembered all this because, as I was passing by the corridor, I saw my colleague plodding along and sweating over the patient. She had been bustling about for more than 30 minutes, and hadn’t managed to release that flap yet…