Short educational video on trans-sinus implants

Today, zygomatic implants pics are popping up on social media like mushrooms after rain.


It’s all about the trend, and if you’re not rocking a bunch of zygomatic implants, you’re not making waves. Once it was about showing off the big car, today the long implant.


The big issue, though, is that most of these cases don’t actually need zygomatic implants. If you check out the panoramic shots, often, you can see that the bone is more than enough, sometimes even for a standard AO4.


Sure, sometimes there’s a bone shortage, but many of the cases I come across could still be handled with a strategy that, in my opinion (when applicable), is better than the zygomatic approach. First off, it’s more manageable for your average implantologist, and secondly, the complications are way fewer in terms of quantity and much simpler to handle.


The strategy I’m talking about involves using trans-sinus implants.


I mainly deal with atrophic cases, and I gotta tell you, the use of zygomatic implants in my clinical practice is almost non-existent, even though I’ve never turned down any case. I rarely find the indication to use them, to be honest.


On the flip side, trans-sinus implants are my go-to, and they let me tackle a whole bunch of severe atrophy cases relatively easily.


I won’t bore you with the technical details, which I break down in the video below. To check it out, you have to be logged into YouTube.


Let me know your thoughts!


See you soon.

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